Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Bullying is not a joke! Not something to be ignored because it doesn’t pertain to you. I would consider myself accomplished for my age. I have a Bachelors degree, have been to countries such as China and Australia, have been to an Olympic game, and speak three languages fluently. Yet, I spent years of my life as a child and young teen wondering why God had put me on this earth and what was the purpose of living a life where I was constantly rejected by my peers.

I was bullied for many years in school. Not the shoved against lockers type of bullying but social rejection, verbal abuse, and people constantly picking on me. I remember several incidents in school that made me question what was the point of being in this world. Many times I would come home crying wishing I didn’t have to face another day. I had parents who tried to help but they could only do so much as to listen.

On my last day of high school, I wasn’t relieved to have accomplished something like graduating but I was just happy I would never have to face that building again. I knew I would not have to walk in fear of what that day would bring. Many of my teachers knew about my struggles but nothing was ever done. I always wondered why no one cared to do anything and I came to realize that I was just another kid with problems and no adult was going to take the time off their busy schedules to care.

I was lucky enough to have found other things to keep me occupied. Things I could hold on to or look forward too, ways to escape my troubles at least momentarily. I realize now that those things kept me going so that I could sit here today typing this.

There has been a wave of teen suicides lately due to bullying of some sort, which has led me to realize that it’s been 10 years and we’re still at the same spot we we’re in when I was in school. Kids being bullied every day, many taking their own lives and yet no one seems to care. No one does anything, parents stand up for their kids but what good does that do when the school system and government do nothing.

The bullies are never responsible for any of these suicides, because in the end of the day it’s not their fault a young child has decided to take their own life because they see no other way out even though they were driven to that point by their peers. I would think it would only take one suicide for something to be done because it shouldn’t even reach that point but many have died because they did not feel welcomed in this world and nothing has been done to prevent this.

Schools continue not to care and parents cry over their children because they weren’t able to do enough. What will it take for some action to be taken? When will enough be enough. Do we ignore the problem because it’s just one or two kids and there are bigger problems to be resolved.

Kids are bullied every day because they are looked at as weak, they are overweight, from a different culture, they are intelligent (nerds), lack in sports skills, and most recently because they are gay.

Asher Brown, a 13 year old boy from Texas was so tired of being bullied because of the clothes he wore, his religious beliefs, and his homosexuality that he came home from school one day, grabbed his father’s gun and killed himself. His father was the one who found him. Why didn’t his parents do anything, you may ask. Well they did, his mother called the school over and over again but they didn’t do anything. Maybe he deserved this…he was gay after all. The school of course denies they were ever contacted. It’s pretty obvious when a child is being bullied during school ours. That same day, Asher had been pushed down the stairs, it’s not that hard to notice it. I guess he was invisible after all.

Christian group, Focus on the Family say that gay advocacy groups use bullying- prevention initiatives to introduce the viewpoint that homosexuality is normal. Any type of anti-bullying legislation I would think would be helpful to kids being bullied. I don’t think it should matter why they are being bullied. Whenever a child or teen is afraid of going to school because they are bullied for whatever reason or when they kill themselves because they see no way out, it should not be something to be ignored. It shouldn’t matter if your for or against whatever is causing the bullying. I think it’s sad when we let our personal believes get in the way of helping children and teens at risk. It must be easy for Focus on the Family to sit there and criticize someone when they themselves haven’t made an effort when it comes to this cause. There is nothing I hate more then to see someone criticize a person or an organization who is doing the work they have ignored. It’s easier to sit and criticize then to stand up and take action.

As Christians we should strive to be like Jesus. When Jesus was present within this earth he reached out to those ignored and rejected by society. Why is no one reaching out to these kids being bullied in these schools. Why is nothing being done? Why do we sit and watch as kids kill themselves or face hardships in a place they spends hours in every day and we do nothing about it? Is it because it’s not our kids so we don’t bother to stand up for them?

It’s about time that we say ENOUGH, and we stand up for the cause of bullying so that no child will ever feel they need to end their life due to the fact that they see no way out. A child’s home shouldn’t have to be their personal war zone. No parent should have to bury their child because they didn’t feel they belonged in this world. Let’s leave our political or religious views aside and fight for these children.